From Mahogany With Love

A debut novelist revisits her roots

Shaheena Chowdhury
5 min readApr 21, 2024
Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash

What follows is an earnest attempt at capturing the essence of an expatriate mother’s writing journey. Intentional and strategic, Azra Rahman’s path to literary success was nonetheless fraught with hurdles. These she overcame as she navigated the turbulent seas of the publishing business with patience, purpose and perseverance. This blog post is a celebration of her resilience.

Interview with Azra Rahman

Tell us briefly about yourself.

Azra Rahman: I’m an author from India who is currently based in Utah, USA. It has been over 9 years since I started writing professionally. To date, I have contributed articles and other pieces for magazines and anthologies, been a book reviewer for a limited period of time, planned and successfully executed public events where I live, and volunteered at different Islamic institutions. The Mother of My Children is my debut novel. I also have two blogs on which I love to collaborate with fellow writers.

What inspired you to become a writer?

Azra Rahman: My Hindi teacher at school, Miss Rita Jolly, was the first person to plant this idea in my head. She suggested that I pursue writing as a career. Lt. Dr. R.N. Sinha, my HoD from graduation, encouraged me to write poetry and would make time from his busy schedule to review and critique poems I composed. Later, when I was tinkering with the idea of writing for publication, my husband persuaded me to consider writing as a profession. Things began rolling from there.

Congratulations on your maiden publication! Give us a brief overview of what your book is about.

Azra Rahman: The Mother of My Children is a story set in the fictional town of Mahogany. It’s a contemporary women’s fiction told from the husband’s point of view rather than that of the wife. The main characters are Adam and Mary. Adam narrates the story of Mary’s transformation from his wife to the mother of his children.

What motivated you to write this particular book?

Azra Rahman: Many years ago, a newspaper article grabbed my attention. It occupied only a few inches of print space, but claimed all of my headspace. The incident described in the article inspired the climax of my story.

Describe your writing process for this book.

Azra Rahman: This book is what I like to call a ‘tunnel vision book’. I had decided on the central characters, the start, the climax and the ending long before I penned the first chapter. All that remained was to fill in the blanks and tie it all together. Every element fell into place as the words flowed from my imagination.

What challenges did you face while writing this book?

Azra Rahman: Primarily, time management and consistency. With young children to care for, it’s hard to find time for creative pursuits. My husband and I worked out a plan which would allow me the time and space to finish my book without neglecting my duties towards my family. Motivation also proved to be increasingly elusive. I second-guessed my priorities over and over. But then, who would I be if I gave in to the demands of domestic life so easily?

How did you develop the characters of your book? Are they inspired by real people or entirely fictional?

Azra Rahman: They are inspired by people around me, people I grew up with. Many incidents in the book are taken from something I experienced or witnessed. As a friend from my hometown puts it, ‘I felt like I was in it.’

Were there any authors or books that influenced your writing style or the theme of your book?

Azra Rahman: Not really. I don’t recall the last time I picked up a woman-centric novel from the store. I prefer thrillers for an entertaining read and Islamic literature for intense study sessions.

What other forms of art or media have inspired your creative process?

Azra Rahman: Poetry, for me, is the best way of infusing a string of words with beauty and wholesomeness.

Tell us about your experience of getting your book published.

Azra Rahman: It certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted. Having said that, it was a learning curve that humbled me and kept me grounded as a writer.

What advice would you give aspiring authors?

Azra Rahman: Embrace reality. Every art form needs upgrades. Keep your supporters close and your critics closer. The criticisms will show you the fault lines in your work. Pause if you must, but don’t stop. Consistency is key. Have faith in Allah. He will get you through this.

What will readers take away from your book?

Azra Rahman: Fundamentally, people are the same everywhere. The book might be set against a specific cultural background but the experiences narrated are universal. Anyone who reads The Mother of My Children will be able to relate to multiple characters on different levels. The book offers its readers an immersive experience where they will not only read about the characters, but also live the story with them and through them.

How will your book contribute to the literary landscape?

Azra Rahman: In sha Allah, this book will spark a series of intergenerational and intercultural exchanges of shared experiences. The theme transcends all convictions, ethnicities and sensibilities to appeal to a wide readership.

How has the experience of publishing this book influenced your future writing goals?

Azra Rahman: I’m thrilled to tell you that this particular experience, with all its setbacks, has helped me to entrench myself in the creative arts. Alhamdulillah. There are more books on the cards, in sha Allah. I also hope to be the proud owner of a publishing house, in sha Allah.

Were there any lessons you learned during the writing and publishing process that you wish you knew earlier?

Azra Rahman: The most important lesson I learned is about the cut-throat nature of this industry. Another lesson I learned the hard way is to control the impulse of editing over and over.

Can you give us a hint about what’s next for you as a writer?

Azra Rahman: I’ve resumed work on my blogs. I’m participating in a collaborative anthology of poetry and art. I’m very close to wrapping up a YA fantasy trilogy that I began in 2015. Alhamdulillah.

Azra Rahman’s debut novel, The Mother of My Children, is available for purchase on Amazon.



Shaheena Chowdhury

A CELTA-qualified teacher who is fascinated by mandarins, marigolds and magpies