The Path to Wellness

Reclaiming my gut health

Shaheena Chowdhury
2 min readDec 16, 2023
Photo by Catia Climovich on Unsplash

On a Saturday evening, I stepped out of the bathroom distraught. Moments later, a sick leave application stared back at me as I shifted uneasily in my swivel chair. A rebellion was raging in my gut and I felt responsible for the current state of affairs. Clearly, it was a repeated case of misplaced priorities. This time, however, my dismissal of a recurring condition came at an exorbitant price.

Oblivious of the oncoming assault on my gut health, I had plunged into blissful ignorance for many weeks before that day. A diet of caffeine and carbs would later ambush my capacity to function as a mother and teacher. When it did, I consulted a specialist who could help me defuse the gastrointestinal situation.

Regret would serve me no better than a strategic decision to appease my gut bacteria. Determined to reclaim my gut health, I scanned the kitchen cabinet for a reused nankhatai jar where green teabags had been sentenced to oblivion more than a year ago. Today, digestive biscuits command a majority of my tea tray. Yogurt is the new dairy. Wholemeal bread is the staple carb. Eggs and red meat are avoided like the plague.

The switch to green tea has been particularly challenging. Withdrawal symptoms are a nightmare for working mothers addicted to black tea. The sharp headaches would surrender to nothing less than paracetamol. I bid the box of black teabags a reluctant farewell.

As a colleague correctly observed, green tea isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It takes time and a lot of self-discipline to become accustomed to it. I’ve passed up several opportunities in the past to meet my health goals only because I didn’t see this beverage beyond its ‘unique’ taste. Had I not succumbed to my palate then, I would’ve saved a substantial amount in medical bills now.

The four Fs of Dr. Amy Shah’s gut reset protocol — fasting, fitness, fibre and fermented food — now dominate my morning routine. After four weeks of following the daily regimen, I can vouch for its efficacy. I’m a kilo lighter and half as flatulent as before. As a result, I can pray in peace and recite Qur’an in peace. Alhamdulillah.



Shaheena Chowdhury

A CELTA-qualified teacher who is fascinated by mandarins, marigolds and magpies